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Splash into Summer Learning
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June is the perfect time to relax, recharge, and keep learning! Encourage your students to explore new ideas and interests. They might discover their next favorite book, conduct outdoor science experiments, or challenge themselves with math puzzles. The possibilities for a fun, engaging summer beam as bright as the sun!
Here’s a peek at our top resources for a relaxing and enjoyable June:
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With these reading resources, you can help your students continue to grow even when school’s out.
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Make this the summer of reading with 24 exciting ideas that are sure to get students hooked.
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Discover the inspiring story of the grandmother of Juneteenth. With engaging content and thoughtful questions, this printable is a must-have for your summer learning toolkit.
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Students can beat the heat as they read this sun-sational passage. Grab your sunblock and your reading comprehension skills and get started!
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Whether your students are budding poets or simply looking for a way to say, "I love you," these Father’s Day ideas will help make the holiday special.
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"Teachers inspire the smallest hearts to grow big enough to change the world."
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